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Cable Cast On Method - Easy Knitting Instruction For Beginner

Cable Cast On is pretty much like the knitted method. The only difference is that the right needle is inserted between stitches instead of into a stitch.
This type of casting produce a nice and tight base row for your knitting. It is great for making ribbing for sweaters, hats and mittens. 

Follow step 1 through 6 in a knitted cast-on method.

Here Are Steps For Cable Method

cable cast on

7. Insert the right hand needle between the two stitches on the left needle.

8. Wrap the yarn around the right hand needle from behind and from right to left.

cable co, pull yarn through

9. Bring the yarn forward through the space between two stitches.

10. Twist right hand stitch forward and slip it onto left hand needle.

11. repeat step 7-10 until you reach desire length.

Congratulation! You've just knitted Cable Cast On Stitches!

My Cable Cast On Knitting Instruction Video On YouTube


Long Tail



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