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Easy Recipes Collection From Around The World

This is a working progress of my new "easy recipes" page. I'm gradually building up my recipe collection. The collection of foods I love (and I think many people do too) and a lot of easy recipes I had cooked them in the past. 

Like most people, I love to eat. I also enjoy cooking and eating ethnic foods. My husband and I take turn making dinner. He likes to cook using big chuck of meat while I prefer mixture of vegetable and some meat like many Thai dishes. At home we have so many jars and bottles of spices that overflow our spice rack and cook books are everywhere. We don't even use the books that often now since it's so easy to find it online.

I call this "easy recipes" but once in awhile I might throw in a few not-so-easy recipes in here. I know, people have different skills. One person's easy job can be another person's difficulty. You'll never know. 

If you'd like to share your recipe, you can use submission form at the bottom of this page. I'll be so trill to try your recipe out and I'm sure many visitors will too. Thanks!

Thai Food Easy Recipes

Spicy Ginger Pork with String Bean (Prik Khing String Bean with Pork)- coming soon

Southern Thai Chicken Curry (Kang Kari Kai)- coming soon

Mexican Food Recipes

Beef Taco (my husband version)- coming soon

Guacamole dip and home made pita chip - coming soon

Easy Salsa For Dipping - coming soon

Korean Food Recipe

Beef Bulgogi (sweet and salty flavor pan braised beef)- coming soon

Spicy Braised Chicken - coming soon

Zucchini and bean sprout salad - coming soon

Heart Healthy Easy Recipes

Heart-Healthy Blueberry Bran Muffin-Don't tell your kid that this muffins are full of goodies and that they're good for them!

So Good & Healthy Cabbage Soup With Or Without Beef - want to loose weight and still eating yummy meal.  This cabbage soup is surely will satisfy your hunger while keeping you looking great!

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What is your favorite easy recipe? Share it with us here!

What kind of food do you like to eat? Do you mind sharing your favorite food recipe with us? Or just want to share your story about food, write it here!

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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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