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Casting On - Learn How To Knit Cast On Stitches

What is casting on or cast on?

Casting on is a fundamental of all knitting. It is made up of a row of stitches at a base of your knitting. Just like when you crochet, you have to start with chain stitches to create a base for your work. 

There are different types of cast on. By far, the most popular ones are Long Tail Method (AKA "thumb and index" and "Double") and Knitted Method.

Each Method of casting on serves different purposes. For example, I like to use Single Cast-On when I knit laces or projects that require loose edges and Long Tail when I what firm edges such as ribbing for cuffs or hats.

Single cast-on is very simple and it was the first technique I learned. The only problem with this type is that it's a little more difficult to manipulate the first row and if you are not careful there will be big gaps between stitches.

Knitted Cast-On and Cable Cast-On are pretty similar in techniques and they both produce nice and even edges. I personally don't use them a lot because I prefer the long tail method.

So, it's totally up to you to decide which method you like. Practice each of them several times until you feel comfortable before moving on to KNIT and PURL.

Ready to get started? Grab your needles and yarn and go ahead and pick your cast on knitting method below.

First Step Of Knitting - Casting On Techniques

Click on each link below to see each one.

Single Method

Long Tail Method

Knitted Method

Cable Method

Once you feel comfortable and familiar with casting on methods, you can move on to the Knit and the Purl stitches and start your knitting.

Good Luck!

Return From Casting On to Knitting Instructions Home Page

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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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