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Accidental Cowl - There Is A Story Behind Every Cowl !

This cowl is not what I intended for it to be. It was suppose to be a blouse for my daughter.  I started to work on the front section up to the armhole area.  The piece got tug away for awhile because of my other projects. (I think you understand what I mean!)  Then couple days ago, I went back to that piece to continue on.  It turned out little bit smaller than I’d like it to be.  I was sure that I measured and calculated my stitches pretty well.  I have to blame it on my daughter on how fast she grows.  Anyway, to make a story short, I figured a way to make use out of that piece I worked hard on it.  I love the lace pattern and hate to throw it away.  So, the “Accidental Crowl” was born as you can see.  

I added ribbing to another end and made a few button holes.  My daughter picked her own unique buttons she bought during our trip to Vancouver.  I think it turned out pretty well.  She will need it when it gets colder during our walk to school.

Here is the Accidental Cowl Pattern


1. 1 ball of Carol simple soft light (3 oz/85g : 330 yds/301 m) - I used a little more than half of a ball for a child size.

2. Knitting needle US # 6 (4mm)

3. 2 buttons (⅞ - 1” in diameter)

4. Row counter

Stitch Pattern Information

2x2 Ribbing:

1st row (right side): *Knit 2, p 2; repeat from * to end of row.

2ne row (wrong side): Knit the knit st and purl the purl st.

(see ribbing video here)

Double Lace Rib Pattern (multiple of 6 +2)

1st row (right side): K2, *p1, yon, k2tog tbl, p1, k2; rep from * to end.

2nd row: P2, *k1, p2; rep from * to end.

3rd row: K2, *p1, k2tog, yfrn, p1, k2; rep from * to end.

4th row: As 2nd row.


CO 80 sts loosely. Work 2x2 ribbing for 2 inches. Work double lace rib pattern until desired length.  

Then work 2x2 ribbing for 1 inch ending with the right side row. Then work button holes as follows;

Next row (wrong side): Work 14 sts of ribbing, bind off the next 3 sts, work 17 sts ribbing, bind off 3 sts, continue ribbing to end of row.

Next row (right side): Continue in ribbing to the first BO, CO 3 sts using single cast on method then work ribbing to the next BO, CO 3 sts and work to the end of row.

Continue with ribbing for another 1 inch. BO loosely.  


Lay piece flat with right side up.  Fold each ribbing ends to the center.   Attach buttons where appropriate on the side where there is no button holes. 

Fold the top portion downward to show the right side when wearing.  See photos above.

Knitting Abbreviations

yon = yarn over needle

k2tog tbl = knit 2 sts together at once through back loops

k2tog = knit 2 sts together at once

yfrn = yarn forward and around needle

Watch Instruction On How To Knit Double Lace Rib On My Youtube Video

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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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