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Feather And Fan Knitting Stitch Pattern- Knitters's All-Time Favorite Lace 

I love feather and fan pattern so much and I think I can knit everything out of this pattern. There are endless possibility to turn these beautiful, wavy and lacy look into your everyday project.

By now, you probably have figured it out why this pattern is called "feather and fan". If you haven't really have a good look at the pattern yet, you can look back at the picture above and see what you can observe. You'll see part of the pattern that looks like fan, and part of the pattern that look like feather! 

Here Is The Pattern Stitch 

Multiple of 18 sts + 2.

Row 1(right side): K.

Row 2: P.

Row 3: K1, *[k2tog] 3 times, [yf, k1] 6 times, [k2tog] 3 times; rep from * to last st, k1.

Row 4: K.

Repeat these 4 rows.

Here Are Some Examples Of Projects Using Feather And Fan

Feather and fan Summer top for girl - I recently finished this top for my daughter and she enjoys wearing it a lot. Very cool!

Neck Scarf - A short scarf to wear around the neck as accessory or just to keep you neck warm.

Ripple scarf. This scarf is knitted in several long rows. It looks nice with different colors combination. This will be a fun and quick project to knit and great for a gift too.

So Cute Baby Cap Knit this pretty baby cap with straight or with circular needles. Either one will give a beautiful cap for your love one.

Use your imagination to create projects with the pattern like blanket, sofa cover, edge of skirt and so forth.

Just Have Fun With It! Don't forget to send me the picture and I will share it on the web!

Knitting abbreviations used in this patterns are:

k = knit

p = purl

k2tog = knit 2 stitches together

yf = yarn forward

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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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