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Feather And Fan Summer Top For Girls 
- Free Easy Knitting Pattern

Picture 1: girl summer top in red white and blue

I found this yarn in red, white and blue at BigLot. It’s a mixture of acrylic, nylon and polyester and it feels like cotton. I wasn’t hesitate to buy it when I saw a little print said that it was made it Turkey. They make pretty good quality linen, cotton and fiber over there. I thought to myself I might as well try their synthetic fiber and see how it will turn out. I bought 3 balls and planed to make a top for one of my twin daughters to wear during this past Independent Day. Of cause, the top didn’t get done in time because we were having too much fun at a beach in Atlantic City. We had fun watching the fireworks, though.

Anyway, the top got done about a week later and it turned out great. My daughter loves it. I chose feather and fan pattern for this top because I like the wavy look of it. I think it’s perfect for finishing off the top’s lower edge.Now the younger daughter is looking through my knitting book and picking out her pattern for her top. I guess I’ll be busy knitting for awhile.

Skill level: Easy - intermediate

Size: To fit girls with chest size 21, 23 and 25 inches. I spent a little more time adding 2 more sizes to the pattern so that girls of different ages and sizes will get to enjoy them. Upper chest measurements = 21 ( 23, 25 ) inches. Length from shoulder to cast on = approximately 13, (14, 15.5) inches.

Gauge: 6 sts, 8 rows per 1” on US # 6 (4mm) needle

Materials1. 100 gm DK or light worsted weight yarn preferable cotton or other summer yarns.2. A pair of knitting needle US #6 (4mm)3. Tapestry needle4. Ribbon5. Crochet size G for edging (Optional)

Feather and Fan Pattern

Row 1 (right side): K.

Row 2: P.

Row 3: K 2, *[k2tog] 3 times, [yf, k1] 6 times, [k2tog] 3 times; rep from * to last 2 st, k 2.

Row 4: K.

Direction for Feather and Fan Summer Top

Note: The numbers given outside parenthesis refer to smallest size and those are in parenthesis refer to medium and large sizes respectively.


CO 76 sts. K 2 row. Begin feather and fan pattern as given above until pieces measure 7, (7.5, 8) inches ending with row 4.

Next row (decrease): Decrease 10 (14, 0) sts evenly. You should end up with 66 ( 72, 76 ) sts.

Next row: work k1, p1 ribbing for 1.5 inches ending with a right side row.

Next row (wrong side): Knit.

Next row (eyelet): K 2, yf, *k2tog, yf; repeat from * to last 2 sts, k 2.

Next row: Knit.

Armhole ShapingNote: Slip first stitch at beginning of each row to make armhole edges look neater.  Bind off 5 (4, 4) sts at beginning of the next 2 rows. Continue K1, P1 ribbing on body of work throughout. Decrease 1 st each side, every other row 4 (3, 3) times. Continue working until piece measure 3 (4, 4.5) inches from armhole shaping ending with a wrong side row.

Neck ShapingWork 10 (12,14) sts, Bind off center 28 (34, 34) sts, work to end. Work 10 (12, 14) sts on each side of the neck for 1 inch. Bind off all sts. (you can do each side at different time or at the same time. It’s totally up to you. I like to do mine at different time so that I don’t have to deal with two different strains of yarn.)


Work as for back until piece measured 2, (3, 3) inches from armhole shaping. Work neck shaping as for back and each side of the neck measure 4, (5, 5.5) inches from armhole shaping. Bind off all stitches.Sew shoulder and side seams. Thread ribbon through eyelets starting from center front. Tide a bow in the center.

Optional Edgings

You can either crochet along the neck and armhole edges or pick up stitches and knit along the edges for decorative purpose. When I first finished mine it looked just fine but I wasn’t happy with the way the front and back of neck edges. There were little too low. I had to crochet along these edges to make the straps stay on shoulders better. In this pattern, I have made some adjustment to make the back and front of the neck little higher for a better fit. For the armhole, I did double crochet and I like it a lot.If you find something unusual or thing that doesn’t make sense to you, please let me know. Hope you enjoy it!

Download feather and fan Summer top in PDF file Here

* * * End of Feather and Fan Summer Top For Girls Pattern * * *

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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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