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where do i start my tension gauge?

by lynn geast

I wish to make a bobble st polo neck sweater. the pattern says to check my tension before commencing the garment - 19sts and 24 rows to 10cm (4inchs) over patt on 4 1/2 needles. does this mean that I do a tension gauge on the bobble panel information? I'm unsure whether this is correct because on the details bobble panel (is referred to as pattern 16) and is says over patt not over patt 16. Also Further down outlined in the details when proceeding to knit the BACK of the garment is gives details of 1st row, 2nd row and then says Rept rows 1 and 2 for 10cm (4inchs) finishing on the 1st row.

So does this mean than that I knit and check my tension following the instructions of BACK rather than the bobble panel instructions?

Im very confused and would appreciate your help.
Thank you very much and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Regards and best wishes


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Mar 04, 2019
tension gauge
by: Ratchadawan

You're very welcome!

Mar 03, 2019
Where do I start my tension gauge
by: Anonymous

Aaah thank you very much Ratcha, i appreciate your quick response , best wishes Lynn

Mar 03, 2019
where do I start my tension gauge
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Lynn,

Thank you for visiting. In general, the instruction would state clearly to what pattern to check for gauge. If it doesn't mention which pattern to check for gauge then I would use the pattern of the sweater body. In this case, use the back panel pattern row 1 and 2 for your gauge.

Hope this helps. Have a wonderful day!


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