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what is the gauge for Turkish scarf

by Janet
(San Francisco, CA, USA)

Different Way To Wear A Happy New Year scarf using Turkish stitch

Different Way To Wear A Happy New Year scarf using Turkish stitch

Hi! I just discovered your Turkish Scarf pattern and would like to make it. Wonder if you could please tell me your stitch gauge and the finished size? Many thanks!


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Nov 09, 2015
Turkish Scarf Gauge (Happy New Year Scarf)
by: Ratchadawan

Not a problem Janet and thanks for the link.

Have a great day!


Nov 08, 2015
Turkish Scarf
by: Janet

Hello Ratcha!

Thanks for replying so quickly. I found your scarf on Knit Picky Patterns and they called it The Turkish Scarf so that's why I did when I wrote you. It's a free pattern site and frequently they change the names from the knitter's original one.

This is link to see your scarf on their site. http://www.allfreeknitting.com/Knit-Scarves/Turkish-Stitch-Scarf

Now that I have the gauge and approximate length info of your original cowl, I am going to try figuring out how many stitches to cast on and knit it in the round. Wish me luck and thanks again for your help!


Nov 08, 2015
Turkish Scarf Gauge (Happy New Year Scarf)
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Janet,

I think you must have referred to the Happy New Year Scarf since it's the only one I used a Turkish Stitch Pattern. Where did you find the pattern from?

In the pattern I mentioned the gauge of 4.5-5 sts per inches depending on your knitting tension. I used #9 (5.5mm) needle. The needle I used for this scarf is a bit bigger than suggested by the yarn because I want it to be loose. The turkish stitch is very sketchy so it can stretch pretty far out. I have to admitted I didn't really pay much attention to the gauge at all. I just roughly how wide I wanted the scarf to be and knitted it away.

So, Sorry about not giving you the exact answer you want and I gave the scarf to a friend already. I would say it width is about 18 inches more or less. For the length, I don't really know but it took 2 balls of yarn.

I hope you have fun making it. Would love to see it when you're done.

Happy Knitting!


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