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Ratchadawan Chambers Beginner Woman Raglan Sweater needles sizes and round or not

by Harriet
(Naples, Fl )

This pattern calls for #7 needles and 16" circular needles size #6, the pattern said use small needles (circular for ribbing) and than #7 for body is this correct or do I knit the ribbing in #6 regular needles. Is the circular needles for the neck only?

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May 02, 2023

by: Ratchadawan

Mary, I don't have a video. what part do you have a question?


Apr 20, 2023
Raglan neck shaping
by: Mary Ann Bowman

I am ready to start neck shaping and cannot figure this out. I assume this is for front of sweater? Do you have video on this?

Aug 11, 2019
woman raglan
by: Ratchadawan

You can use regular straight needle number 6 for the rib parts. I only asked for one set circular 16" needles because it can work for both in row and neck finishing in circle. it saves money that way.

thanks for your question. happy knitting!

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