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Provisional knit band

by Chris
(Massachusetts USA.)

Provisional knit band by cast on 4 sts then using provisional cast on 96 sts join & knit in the round. Do I join the 4 extra sts to the 96 sts ?

Do I use the main color for the first 4 sts & then use a different color for the 96 Sts. When band knitted it says the 4 sts will create an opening so to use elastic in the waist. This is done in the round how do I join all these sts together to knit the band in the round . Have me confused.

Hope you can make sense of my Question. Thank you .

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Aug 04, 2020
Provisional knit band
by: Ratchadawan

I'm too confused by this. Why can't it be a simpler band by adding a few more rows and fold it down. I'm sorry I can't help. Can you give me a link to this pattern? I'd like to see how the whole pattern.

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