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Pretty Lacy Edge - Knitting pattern

by Ratcha

Pretty Lacy Edge Knitting Pattern

Pretty Lacy Edge Knitting Pattern

Pretty Lacy Edge - Knitting pattern

I found this pattern out of an old magazine my good friend gave it to me after his mom passed away. My friend knew how much I love to knit and crochet. So all of his mother 60's and 70's knitting and crochet magazines along with a few odd balls of yarn ended up at my house. Lucky me!

I knitted this lace pattern out of curiosity with an ordinary cotton yarn I bought at Big Lot. It turned out pretty good. As you can see it ended up on top of my website. There is still a debate going on at Knitting Paradise to what I will do with this lacy edge I knitted. I'm leaning toward a neckline of a girl dress. Hopefully the answer will be revealed in the near future. For now, you can make your own edging with this pretty lacy pattern and think about what you want to do with yours.

Here is the direction.

Cast on 12 sts.

Row 1 (RS) : K5, yo, k2tog, k5.

Row 2: {k2tog, yo twice}twice, k3, yo, k2tog, k1, p2. (total of 14 sts.)

Row 3: K5, yo, k2tog, {k2, p1} twice, k1.

Row 4: {k2tog, yo twice} twice, k5, yo, k2tog, k1, p2. (total of 16 sts.)

Row 5: K5, yo, k2tog, k4, p1, k2, p1, k1.

Row 6: {k2tog, yo twice} twice, k7, yo, k2tog, k1, p2. (total of 18 sts.)

Row 7: K5, yo, k2tog, k6, p1, k2, p1, k1.

Row 8: Bind off 6 sts knitwise, k to last 5 sts, yo, k2tog, k1, p2. (total of 12 sts)

Repeat row 1 – 8 to form a long lacy edge for your project.

Note: One of our visitors suggest using "{K2tog, YF,YF to make 2 sts} twice" instead of "{k2tog, yo twice} twice" to minimize confusion.

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Feb 04, 2014
My Edging!
by: Anonymous

I had a blanket with fraying ends so I used worsted weight with size 6 needles and turned top over edge and stitched through all layers. Am pleased with results and blanket should be fine for several years.


Thank you for sharing with us. Love to see the picture.


Feb 14, 2012
What type of yarn and needles are used for this lacy edge pattern?
by: Maggie

Could you please tell me what size needles and what type of yarn you suggest for this Pretty Lacy Edge.
Thank you Maggie


Hi Maggie,

Thanks for visiting. I used light worsted weigh yarn on US # 6 (4mm). I wanted to see how it would look. It turned out pretty good but I would choose smaller yarn next time. This one probably will be a good use for making a neck edge of a skirt edge for a girl.

I think fingering yarn will do better with this lacy edge pattern if you want to use the edge for pillow case or thing like that. It is totally up to you to decide. I think the most important thing is that you like it.

Thanks for the question, Maggie.


Nov 06, 2011
Suggestion for "YO twice"
by: Wendy

Hi Ratchadawan,

Thank you that's brilliant, works perfectly. All that is required now is the wording in the lacy pattern. May I put forward a suggestion of (K2tog, YF,YF to make 2 sts)twice. This may be more of understanding in a short form, although yr long form is excellent.

Once again, Thank you
Best regards

Ratcha's Answer

Hi Wendy,

I'm glad this is working out for you. Thank you for your suggestion for the pattern's wording. I'll make a note of your suggestion at the bottom of the pattern.

Best Regards,

Nov 04, 2011
Please Explain 2nd, 4th & 6th Row Of Lacy Edge
by: Wendy


Please could I trouble you to explain what the 2nd, 4th & 6th row is really instructing the knitter to do, as the k2tog's cancel out the Yarn overs and I don't end up with the increased number of stitches.
If you have a moment to spare, any chance you could try it out for me, I really would like to have this border for the blanket.

I can usually work these things out but this one has me well confused.

Best Regards


Hi Wendy,

Did you do YO 2 times? Try this;
On 2nd row, *do k2tog, then bring yarn forward, and then around the needle once. Leave the yarn in the front of work; repeat from * once more, k3, yo, k2tog, k1 and p2. This makes 14 stitches all together.

Do the same thing with other even rows when making YO.
Keep trying and good luck.

If you still have some trouble with this pattern, please let me know.

Ratchadawan Chambers

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