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by Sharon

Rib short rows collar sample

Rib short rows collar sample

I am shaking a collar and it is k1 p1 twice turn, next row s1 p1 k1 p1, next row k1 p1 4 times turn next row s1 p1, k1 p1 3 times, I know how to do all this but what happens with the rest of my stitches am I not knitting them at all and how do I do this

Work 6 rows more in rib working 4 stitches more before turning on next and every following alternate row

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Oct 03, 2021
Rib collar short rows
by: Ratchadawan


This is a short row knitting. You knit part of it and hold part of it. You work your way toward the hold stitch until you're instruct to stop. You basically just keep repeating what you've done from previous right side and wrong side row. You work 4 sts extra on every other row before you turn (this is usually the right side of your work). You will need to do the short rows 6 more times.

Here is how your work should look like;

Row 1: k1 p1 twice turn,
Row 2: next row s1, p1, k1 p1,
Row 3: next row (k1, p1) 4 times, turn
Row 4: next row s1, p1, (k1 p1) 3 times,

The 4 rows above are 2 sets of short rows from the instruction your wrote above. The next 6 sets of the short rows should look like these;

Row 5: (k1, p1) 6 times, turn
Row 6: sl 1, p1 (k1,p1) 5 times

Row 7: (k1, p1) 8 times, turn
Row 8: sl 1, p1 (k1,p1) 7 times

Row 9: (k1, p1) 10 times, turn
Row 10: sl 1, p1 (k1,p1) 9 times

Row 11: (k1, p1) 12 times, turn
Row 12: sl 1, p1 (k1,p1) 11 times

Row 13: (k1, p1) 14 times, turn
Row 14: sl 1, p1 (k1,p1) 13 times

Row 15: (k1, p1) 16 times, turn
Row 16: sl 1, p1 (k1,p1) 15 times

You can see how you keep adding 4 stitches on the right side rows and work back in the same number of stitches on the wrong side row.

I hope this explanation help you. Glad you stop by and ask the question.

Have fun knitting!

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