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I am confused

by Karli
(United kingdom)

I have been knitting over ten years,I just do simple knit stitch and only knit scarves.
Every time I knit my first line without fail i get 4-5 loops that I have to cut and tie off which makes a mess.
Also I get holes in my knit get tight loops or loops that get stuck, which makes me have to start again(even when I've knitted lots).

I'm very confused and upset,I love to knit but still after years can't get it right...........

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Sep 20, 2019
I'm confused
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Karli,

I'm sorry to hear how frustrated you are after many years of knitting. Well, you're not alone. I've known many people who are in a similar situation as yours. All we can do is just keep trying. Find a new cast on that won't ravel easily. Try new needles that not to slippery or find yarns that easier to work with. Find a bunch of youtube video to watch and see how different stitches work and how people manipulate yarns and needles. I know it's not easy but please keep on trying. I know you can do it.

Thanks for stopping by. Best to you.


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