Voliere yarns from Knit Picks


by Danita Ferreira
(South Africa)

What does it mean in a pattern :
Cast on stitches on circular needle size 6 with 1 thread of each quality? Does it mean the two kinds of thread together? In this case they speak of Alpaca and Kid-silk materials?

Later on in the pattern one must use a circular needle of 3.5 and I wondered if I must continue with the two types of yarn together?

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Jun 08, 2021
Double yarns
by: Ratchadawan

Yes, that's correct. You knit with 2 types of yarns at the same time using number 6 needle.

It seems to me that you'll be working only with one strain at a later point when you have to change to a smaller needle. 3.5 needle seems too small to work with double strain. Check the pattern carefully. It should tell you exactly what to do or use pattern photo as a reference.

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