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your Ladder stitch Pattern Pattern No. 1 on You tube

by Pamela

I just tried your pattern on You tube Ladder stitch
I casted on 18 stitches... you stated 6 stitches + 6.... for edging
knitted rows 1 thru 4
then on Row 5 did you k3 * yo k3tog.... etc
when I did This row it left me with Only 13 stitches on my needle.... Is that right after having 18... that I casted on

Row 6 Purl purled all Even rows.
Row 7 Knitted knitted all Odd Rows

then after my piece was 12 inches long...

Now trying to to the ending Row... it is not clear to me... at all
k3 * cast on 3, drop 1 st., k3., ??? repeat to last 3 st..... then c/0 3st., drop the left needle stitch... Knit 3....

I never have 3 left on Row...

So either I'm not understanding your directions.... or I'm missing something..

Can I get a better explanation of this stitch....

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Dec 03, 2018
Ladder Stitches
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Pamela,

Sorry for the delay. I had family emergency.
So, you should have 13 sts left on the needle after the decrease row. Your is right.

Now the problem is that I found a mistake on the close off row which explains why you never have 3 sts left on that row. So, sorry about that. The close off row should be like this;

Next row (right side): close off row, K3, *cast on 3 sts, drop the next st off needle, k2; rep from * to last 4 sts, cast on 3 sts, drop the next st, k3.

Thank you for sending the question and making me fix my mistake.

PS. After the close off row, you'll have 19 sts.

Happy Knitting!

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