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Wrap and turn and slip marker

by Colleen winters
(Ontario, canada)

I am making the back of a neck for a cardigan. It is a raglan sweater. The pattern says purl to 3rd marker, sm, k5, w&t. I know how to w&t however the w&t instructions on the pattern say how to wrap and then say place the marker on the right needle. If i keep doing that i will end up with numerous markers and keep going on one end only. What am i doing wrong?

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Feb 03, 2020
wrap and turn question
by: Ratchadawan

after you k5, wrap & turn, At this turning point, you put a marker on the right needle then proceed on to the next step.

Maybe your problem is that you place a marker after you finish working with those 5 sts instead of putting in on before.

That's what I think.


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