Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

Work 13 sts in pat and place sts on hold....

by Jan
(Edmonds, wa)


Hi again!
Your instructions are priceless! Thank you so much!
See the photo of the pretty scarf with a key hold. I'm working on the two rows until it measures 18 inches. Then soon i will be doing the following instructions which I do not fully understand and will need your expertise on it. The instruction says:

Next (RS) row. Work 13 sts in pat and place sts on hold. Cut yarn and re-join to next st, work in established pat to end of row. Cont in pattern on these 23 sts until pieces measures 4" from beginning of opening, end with a WS row. Cut yarn, and re-join to 13 sts on hold. Work until even with other side, end with a WS row.

What does 'work 18 sts' mean?
Do I place the 18 sts that has been worked on a another holding 2 pointed needle?
Could you show me where to cut yarn and re-join to next st? What does it mean to Work in established pattern?

Then could you show me the last instructions: after i cut yarn....where do I re-join to next sts on hold?

Many, many thanks!!!



Hi Jan,

First of all I'm confused about the sts numbers you gave me. You mentioned 13st at the beginning and then 18 sts after that. Which one is it?
I'm going to answer each question you have below;

Q: What does 'work 18 sts' mean?
A: It means you continue working on these 18 sts following the same pattern as you were doing previously. In this case the 2 rows eyelet pattern that you've been knitting since the beginning.

Q:Do I place the 18 sts that has been worked on a another holding 2 pointed needle?
A: You can use a scrap yarn, a stitch holder, circular needle or you can use 2 pointed needle. You can cap the ends of dpn just to make sure the sts won't drop off.

Q:Could you show me where to cut yarn and re-join to next st? What does it mean to Work in established pattern?
A: I think the way this pattern written is a bit confusing and cut yarn happen too many times which I think it's unnecessary. I'll try to explain this to you as the way it written.

Here is a video to show you where to cut and join the yarn.

If the video doesn't show up, use this link; http://youtu.be/08aqR0sn-QM

I forgot to mention that you have to weave in all those loose ends at the end.

Another way to do this without having to cut the yarn too many times is to;

RS row: Work 13 sts and place this sts on hold. Then work to the end of row (next 23st). Work on these 23 sts for 4 inches ending with WS row. Cut yarn. Return 13 sts back to the needle, join yarn at the 13th sts. Then work until 4 ".

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