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Why does my slip knot stitch get stuck when I stitch the first row?

by Riya


I've been knitting for quite a time now but all of a sudden it's like I've forgotten.
When I cast on, I do the one where you wrap the yarn around your index finger and just slip the needle through.
I've tried doing this with other cast on methods but it still doesn't work
So when I stitch the first row.:
Problem no1. The length between the two needles increases somehow
Problem no2. Because of this, when I stitch the last stich on the first row (the slip knot one) it gets stuck.
Problem no3. Also my second row stitches weird like sometimes there is not distance between the two needles and it just looks and feels weird.

This is really annoying because it is stopping me from knitting and I have a lot of project.

Thank you!

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Aug 07, 2021
Why does my slip knot stitch get stuck when I stitch the first row?
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Riya,

Maybe it got stuck because the slip knot was too tight or maybe it got wrapped around the needle. I don't know for sure.

I know that knitting takes a lot of practice and patience. We make a lot of mistakes and we learn a lot from them.

All those problems you mentioned above could be from different things like the way you hold the needles and yarn. Too much or too little tension can cause a problem.

I encourage you to keep on practicing by using different methods of cast on and keeping the first stitch on the left needle close to the tip of the needle so that you don't stretch the yarn too much when you slip it off the needle. This would create a gap and uneven stitch.

I wish you the best. Thanks for sharing your problems with us.

Enjoy your day!


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