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Which rows do I need to repeat?

by Nicky J

Hi, I'm new to knitting and have set myself a task to knit a jacket - Sirdar 7997. I'm at the point of making the right front, which will have buttonholes, but I'm not sure if the pattern requires me to repeat rows 3 & 4 or 1-4.

Last 2 rows will now be referred to as sl-st patt and g-st border.

Working in sl-st patt and g-st border (throughout), cont until right front measures 41cm, then work rem buttonholes to correspond with markers on Left front, ending with a ws row.

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Mar 10, 2021
button holes
by: Ratchadawan

Wait, forget about what I said earlier. I went back to take a good look at the pattern and it looks like it's knitted sideway. That's why the button holes are at the end.

This pattern give me a headache. I can't see the numbers in pattern very well and I can't knit out a sample right. I need to see more of the pattern. Can you send me picture at; ratchachambers@to-knit-knitting-stitches.com? The picture will look better there.

I don't want to give you the wrong advice.


Mar 10, 2021
button holes
by: Ratchadawan

I searched for sirdar 7997 pattern and saw a picture of the pink jacket. I'm a little bit confused about the placements of the button holes.

The button holes should be made along the way at certain points to match the marks on the left front. The instruction should mentioned that and not wait until the piece measures 41 cm.

I would suggested that you make button holes as you go. You can do this by working row 1 and row 2 at the point where you want a button hole to be. Just make sure that you do this after row 4. After complete rows 1&2, you return to row 3&4.


Mar 09, 2021
by: Nicky J

How do I put the buttonholes in the garter stitch border after?

Mar 09, 2021
which rows to repeat
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Nicky,

It says that the last 2 rows are the sl-st and g-st border. So, for now you only need to do repeats of rows 3&4 until it reaches 41 cm. Then work button holes.

Thanks for visiting. Have fun knitting a jacket!


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