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What stitch?

by Sarah Bishop
(Buckinghamshire. UK )

I have found some knitting started 30+ years ago., and would like to finish the jumper, but don’t recognise the stitch, now do I know how to replicate it. Advice please on what I need to do. I attach pictures of the two sides of the sleeve knitted 30 years ago.
Thank you.

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Dec 28, 2020
What Stitch
by: Kathi Barry

It almost looks like a twisted rib stitch
row k1tbl*,p1
row2 Ptbl, k1

* Through back loop

Dec 27, 2020
Wrong photo
by: Sarah Bishop

Unfortunately for some reason the website has loaded the front photo twice, despite me selecting the reverse photo for photo 2.

I will try to reload my query

Dec 27, 2020
what stitch is this?
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Sarah,

Thank you for visiting. This pattern has both sides that are quite identical. This makes me think that it could be a half fisherman rib stitch. You could check out this video or search YouTube for more info.

Have fun needling!


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