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What is the best way to start a new color at the beginning of a row?

by Marilyn
(Sebring, FL)


I am making an afghan that has stripes so every two rows or so I need to change color. I have always tied them off as I have knitted off and on for 65 years. Just wondering if there is a better way to start a new color at the beginning of a row.


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Sep 23, 2015
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Apr 26, 2015
Changing Colors at Beginning of a Row.
by: Marilyn

I have answered my own question. I now weave the new color in and the old color I weave in also. No more knot tying and weaving in later.

Apr 24, 2015
Changing Colors At The Beginning Of Rows
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Marilyn,

I prefer carrying them along the side if I only work with 2 or 3 colors and each colors only work for 4 rows or less. If there are too many colors, I prefer cutting them off and tie them the way you always do.

I think there either way have pros and cons and you just have to do what you think it looks best. Some people prefer cutting it off every time they change color because they just can't stand the way carry over yarns look on the side. Some people feel that there are too much extra works to cut, tie, and weave all those ends away.

Here is an interesting article by Barbara Breiter regarding changing colors post at Lionbrand.com

Should You Carry the Yarn Along the Side or Cut It?

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