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what does this row mean?

by Jayne

Not sure what is meant with this row? This is what it reads... K2, Y Fwd, K2 tog (buttonholes), patt 12(15-11), *K2 tog, K1(1-2), K2 tog, K0(0-1), rep from *to last 17(20-14) sts,K2 tog, patt 11(14-8), K4.... What has got me stuck is what it means by patt 12(15-11)? I know the brackets means stitches but what pattern?

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Aug 11, 2019

by: Ratchadawan

It means to continue working the pattern as usual without inc or dec. for example, if you have been working the band in stockinette st then continue in st st, or in garter st if you stated out in garter st. that's all to it. there is no new pattern to worry about.

hope this helps.


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