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What does this mean? S11 k1 psso

by Susan
(Yakima,Wa. USA)

I am knitting a dog sweater and have to come to s11 k1 psso. I am confused about the s11. Can you enlighten me?

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Dec 11, 2018
It's Sl 1, K1, Psso
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Susan,

How is Yakima? Bellingham is very windy today.
"S11 k1 PSSO" is actually Sl 1, k1, psso or slip 1, k1, pass over.

It could be a typepo or the small l just came out looking like 1.

You do this by slip the first st of the left needle purlwise, then knit the next st then use the left needle to lift up the slipped st on the right needle over the st just knitted.

Here is my video on knitting lace and it shows how to do sl1,k1,psso starting at about 58 seconds of the video.

Thank you for visiting. Have a nice day!


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