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What does T2K abbreviation mean?

by Cindy


I'm working on a pattern the instructions say T2K. What does this mean?

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Apr 13, 2017
What does T2K mean? Twist 2 Knitwise or Try To Knit
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Cindy,

I'm pretty sure T2K is "Twist 2 Stitches Knitwise". This is like a mini cable stitch but you do it without a cable needle because it saves time.

You do this by knit into a second st and without sliding it off the needle, you then knit the first st. Then slide both of them off the needle at the same time.

Usually there is be an explanation on the top or bottom of the pattern page regarding knitting abbreviation. I'm not sure why this pattern doesn't have one.

If you're not clear about my instruction then try searching twist stitch on youtube. You'll find many videos there.

Some knitting uses T2K to refer to "Try to knit" :)

I hope this helps and thanks for visiting!


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