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Using stitch holder

by Anita
(Dorset uk)

With rs facing I've slip 5 stitches on holder, worked stitches in middle then slip 6 stitches on another holder. Then worked middle stitches now I need to with ws facing slip 5 sts on sts holder onto needle then slip 6 sts from other holder on same needle. Then with rs facing rejoin yarn and k5, k2tog, k4.

It's the shaping off the heel of a sock

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Feb 20, 2022

by: Ratchadawan

Hello Anita,

This is an odd way of knitting socks which I'm not use to. Can you tell me how many stitches you started out with and did you knit this in rows or in rounds. I don't have the middle numbers to work with and it's hard for me to sketch out the picture in my head.

Thank you,


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