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Unther the sleeve

by Mana

Hello Ratcha,
Thank you for having this opportunity.

I have a question. I am working on sleeve now, and it’s round knitting. The pattern says “Mark 3 sts under the sleeve at the beginning of the round. Increases on both sides of these 3 sts”. I know what designer means, but not where 3 stitches are. First, Second and third 3 stitches from the beginning of round? Or last stitch of round and 1st and 2nd stitch?

I hope answer my question.

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Jan 03, 2023
under the sleeve mark
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Mana,

First of all I have to apologize for not getting back to you. We had a family Winter vacation and I didn't work during that time.

Now for your question, I see that it say to mark 3 sts at the beginning of the round.

So, I would place a marker at the beginning ( you probably already have this one) and place another marker after the 3rd stitch. The increases should be done before the 1st and after the 3rd sts.

Thank you for your question. Happy New Year!


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