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Understanding what the pattern means

I am making a knitted cowl scarf with circular needles and I am not understanding what the pattern is actual saying, leaving me taking it apart I hope you can help.

2nd rnd k2. *yo.K3.With left-hand needle, pass first of 3 sts just knit over last 2sts. Rep from *to last st. K1. (The last part is where I am getting confused. (Rep from *. Do you yo or do you just knit once you get to the end of the row)

Row 4th is K1. *K3. With left-hand needle, pass first of 3 sts just knit over last 2 sts . Yo. Rep from *to last 2 sts. K2. (Once again am I yo or just knitting the last two stitches.

Thank you for your help

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Nov 29, 2020
you're welcome
by: Ratchadawan

So glad you got the scarf done successfully!



Nov 27, 2020
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much for your help, it was greatly appreciated. I finished the scarf and it looks awesome.
You guys are awesome.
Thanks again

Nov 16, 2020
understanding the pattern - repeat from *
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Angela,

Welcome to the site!

For the 2nd round, you repeat from "yo and K3. With left-hand needle, pass first of 3 sts just knit over last 2sts" until you get to the last st and then don't do the yarn over, just knit the last st.

for the 4th round, you repeat "K3. With left-hand needle, pass first of 3 sts just knit over last 2 sts . Yo." until you come to the last 2 sts. then knit the last 2. Yes, this you need the YO before knitting the last 2.

I hope this time your knitting will go smoothly and not having to take it apart. I'm with you. Keep on trying, you can do it!


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