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Understanding pattern - increase

by Helen kelly

I am a new knitter and this pattern has got me in a twist. My knitting friend has tried explaining but I just don't understand the increase part from where it says *Inc 1 st at each end * and onwards. Also if row one is the 1st row, then I knit 5 rows (biggest size) my next row is row 7 right ? But I feel like the pattern is saying it's row 6....gosh I'm so confused but I don't want to give up. I would really appreciate it if you could help me in very simple terms. Thank you so much.


BODY (Knitted in one piece from
cuff to cuff)
Using 4mm needles and thumb
method cast on 4042:44:46:48
1st row (rs). Knit.
This row forms g-st.
Working in g-st throughout, cont
as follows:
Work 77:5:5:5 rows, ending with
a ws row.
Inc 1 st at each end of next and
00:0:2:6 foll 6th rows, then on
1722:23:22:19 foll 8th rows,
then on 40:0:0:0 foll 10th rows.
8488:92:96:100 sts.
Work 99:7:7:7 rows, ending with
a ws row.
Left sleeve is now completed.

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Apr 08, 2024
increase sleeve of a cardigan
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Helen,

Thanks for the question. Here's a simplified explanation for the largest size of the pattern:

BODY (Knitted in one piece from
cuff to cuff)

1. Using 4mm needles and thumb
method cast on 40[42:44:46:48]

-----I know you got this one.

2. 1st row (rs). Knit.
This row forms g-st.
Working in g-st throughout, cont
as follows:
Work 7[7:5:5:5] rows, ending with
a ws row.

----Knit 5 rows straight.

3. Inc 1st at each end of the next and
0[0:0:2:6] foll 6th rows,

--- On row 6, inc 1 st at each end, and then increase every 6 rows again for 6 times more. (total of 7 increase at this point =48st +14sts = 62 st. total)

4, then on
17[22:23:22:19] foll 8th rows,

----then inc at each end every 8th row for 19 times. This add another 38 sts to the existing 62sts. Now we've got 100 sts total just as mentioned in the pattern.

5.then on 4[0:0:0:0] foll 10th rows.
84[88:92:96:100] sts.

--- There is nothing for you to do here because it's a 0 time.

6. Work 9[9:7:7:7] rows, ending with
a ws row.
--- Work straight for 7 rows ending with a wrong side row.

Left sleeve is now completed.

There you have it! Have a wonderful day!


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