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Understanding increase knitting pattern for a sleeve?

Hi! Im having some confusion on how the Increase pattern for the this sleeve goes. Im working from the Patons Classic Wool Men’s Tilework Textured Pullover.

There is a 12 row pattern that is used in the body of the sweater that is supposed to be repeated 7 times for the sleeve whilst increasing as stated below.
(Starting with 54 st.)

work 1st to 12th rows of pat as given 7 times, AT SAME TIME, inc 1 st each end of needle on 5th and following 4th rows, taking inc sts into pat. 82 (79-82-79) sts.

Does this mean to initially increase on the 5th row and then subsequently every 4th row following And then once getting to 82 st. Continueing pattern without increases? This would leave the last 2 of the 7 repeated patterns without increases

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Jan 07, 2024
Understanding increase knitting pattern for a sleeve
by: Ratchadawan

You understand the pattern correctly and perfectly. There is not a thing I need to add. Don't worry about the last two rows that are left without increasing. it's quite common for sleeve. Everything will be fine.

Thanks for asking and have fun knitting!


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