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understanding a stitch

by Lynn Anderson

My pattern has 4 rows.
The first row is knit and the last row is purl.
Row 2 is p4, yo to the end of the row.
The third row starts with yo, drop yo from previous row, sl 1,k3, cast off sl st over k3.
First, when you drop the yo from the previous row- do you drop it from the left hand needle or the right hand needle, or does it matter? And how do I cast off ( bind off?) the sl stitch over the knit 3? I'm confused- I love the videos- they are so helpful-
No chance of seeing one of the pattern I described above? I think it will be really pretty if I can master the third row!

Thank you- your website is a big help!

Lynn Anderson

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Oct 14, 2018
Slip Stitch Lace
by: Ratchadawan

Sorry Lynn, I don't have a fax machine. If you still want me to look at the pattern, you could try taking a picture and upload it to your new comment. Hopefully it'll be readable.


Oct 14, 2018
regarding the pattern
by: Lynn Anderson

Ratcha- I can't find the link; I just made a copy of the pattern. If you have a fax number I could fax you a copy. The video looks just like what I did as I tried to knit, but I didn't think the bar across the "hole" looked right. I guess I wasn't!!
Thanks for your response- now I will try again!


Oct 13, 2018
Slip Stitch Lace
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Lynn,

I just found this pattern that is very similar to what you've written above. Could it be this pattern?


Happy Knitting!

Oct 13, 2018
Understanding a stitch
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Lynn,

Thank you for your compliment. I'm so happy the website helps.

As far as you question, I'm very confused after studying the pattern. Starting off with row 2 - p4, yo to end of the row. I don't understand how you can end with YO. Then row 3 doesn't make sense to me since I can't go pass row 2. This is how far I got. I'd love to see the original pattern. Is there anyway you can take a picture of send me a link or some thing? I'd love to figure this out.

We'll figure this out.


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