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Understanding a pattern

by Tricia
(Cambridge )


what does (K2tog, yfrn, P2) 0 1: 1: 0: 0 time, mean? The whole sequence in the pattern states P3 4: 2: 3: 1, (K2tog, yfrn, P2) 0 1: 1: 0: 0 time, *inc once knitwise in each of next 2 sts, P2, K2tog, yfrn, P2, rep from * to last 5 2: 0: 5: 3 sts, (inc once knitwise in each of next 2 sts) 1 0: 0: 1: 1 time, P3 2: 0: 3: 1.
160 170: 186: 200: 216 sts. this is the first row so I’m a little confused this has really stumped me and I’m sure I’m being daft I haven’t knitted for years so a little rusty any help with be appreciated

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Dec 20, 2020
understanding pattern
by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome! Thank you for letting me know.


Dec 20, 2020
by: Tricia

Thank you!! That makes totally sense now, thank you for your help. I had I feeling it was that but did not want to start it then having to unpick it if I was wrong.
But now you have clarified it hopefully I can get started and won’t have any more issues with understanding the pattern.
Thanks again!

Dec 19, 2020
understanding pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Tricia,

Thanks for the question and visit.
"(K2tog, yfrn, P2) 0 [1: 1: 0: 0] time" means to make zero or 1 time of (k2tog, yarn, p2) depending on your size. So, you look at the position of your size and see what the number is. if it's 0, then you just skip the whole thing in parenthesis. If it's 1, then you work the(K2tog, yfrn, p2) one time. It's help to just go through the pattern and circle all the numbers that belong to your size.

I hope this makes sense and best to your knitting. Welcome back!


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