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Understanding a pattern

by Louise
(Manchester )


My pattern says SSK K6 until 4-0-4-0-4 st remain. I know it’s slip slip knit then knit for 6 but what does the 4-0-4 bit mean?

Also on most videos the slip slip knit shows the needle going in from the front but my pattern says to go from the back. Can you do it both ways ?

This is my first attempt at knitting a hat.
Thanks for your help.


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May 05, 2020
Understanding a pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Louise,

The 4-0-4-0-4 are the assigned numbers of different sizes of the hat. You will see them throughout the pattern. The smallest size is usually the first number outside the parenthesis and then the rest are in parenthesis. They go from smallest on the left to the largest on the right.

So you only need to look at one number when you see this. That number will be in the same position as your chosen size. For example, if your picked the smallest size then your number always will be the first one.

On your pattern, you do SSk, k6 until you have 4 sts remain (that's if your size is the smallest). If your size is fall into 0 then you work it until you have 0 sts. remains.

The SSk in general is to slip knit wise but you can do it both way. If you slip it back way, the stitch will twist. You can try it both ways and see how you feel about them.

Thanks so much for the question. Best to your hat project!
Take care,


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