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Understanding A Pattern Instruction - C2K or C2B

by Anonymous knitter


Just wondered if you might know of a video which would help show me this instruction. It's C2K and it says to pass rt. needle in back of 1st. st., k 2nd st., then k 1st. st. and drop both sts off left needle tog.
Thanks for your help!


Hi, thanks for visiting and a question. What you described to me is exactly called "C2B" or " Cross 2 Back". This is the first time I've seen it referred as C2K. I did a little browse through the web and saw quite a few of the terms C2K shown up. I found this illustration of C2K in PDF but the photos aren't all very clear.
I have a video of C2B and C2F at you tube at a link below. It's not the best but I think it will help.
Here is the link to how to C2B;

I hope this helps.
Happy knitting!

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Feb 08, 2014
understanding C2K or C2B
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much for the video. It was perfect!


You're welcome! Glad it help


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