Voliere yarns from Knit Picks

two rows of stitches

by Kelly Veillette
(Halifax, Nova Scotia )

k1p1 off needle

k1p1 off needle


I am a new knitter. I am knitting a blank slate hat and was doing well. After casting on 49 stitches, I followed a knit one, purl one method for 9 rows. I then needed to do a KFB stitch to increase the next row to 50 stitches. I promptly messed up the KFB stitch and couldn’t fix it. So, I ripped back the row (hoping to just restart that last K1,P1 row and attempt the KFB again at the end).
But when I went to pick up the stitches on my needle again, I was surprised to see not one but TWO rows of parallel stitches. I’m hoping the attached picture shows what I mean.
Are you able to explain what happened and how I can fix it?
Thanks very much,

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Mar 24, 2020
picking up k1 p1 back onto a needle
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Kelly,

It looks pretty neat actually! I love how your tension looks. Very nice knitting!

Ribbing is stretchy and good for cuff and edges. When it as rest it will shrink down. If you carefully stretch your piece sideway, you can see that you have the purl rows snuggling between the knit rows.
This is just how k1 p1 looks like.

You can pick up these sts back onto the needle by picking up the first knit stitch (if you're on your right side row). The first knit st should be in the front row. Then you pick up the first st on the back row. Keep picking sts from front row then back row like this until the end.

Thank you for sharing your question and photos with us.


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