Voliere yarns from Knit Picks


by K Best

I am knitting on circular needles and using two colors. As I knit around the 144 stitches the yarn is twisting up. I have to stop every round to untwist the two lines of yarn.

Is there a trick to stop this?

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Mar 07, 2016
Twisted Yarn
by: Ratcha

I don't really know what the best trick to stop the yarn from twisting to one another is, but I found that it's much more pleasant to work with 2 or more balls of yarns if I placed them far away from each others as possible. For example, If I work with 2 balls, I would put one on my left and one on my right. If I have 3 balls, then I would place one in the middle. Each time I pick up a new color, I make sure it doesn't wrap around the other before I start knitting. The only problem with this is that you need space to lay out the yarns. It seems impossible to me to have yarns free from each other when you have to pull them out from a knitting bag.

Wishing you the best on your project. Happy Knitting! and thanks for stopping by.


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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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