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trying to convert a specific PART of a pattern from in-the-round knitting to straight knitting

I am trying to follow a pattern that is written for "in the round" knitting. I don't use circs or double pointed needles and only want to use straight needles. I need help with one part of the pattern that stops me every time. I don't know what to do when the in-the-round instructions says to purl the next 4 rounds which occurs just after I finished purling a row. Does that mean I will wind up with 5 rows of purls?? This is supposed to be creating A FOLD line.

Thank you (appreciate any help you can give me)


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Nov 19, 2020
converting circular knitting to straight knitting
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Pat,

Thanks for visiting and questioning.
To purl for 4 round would create a ridge on the right side. We can convert this to be knitted in rows as follow;

row 1: purl
row 2: knit
row 3: purl
row 4: knit

Have a great day!


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