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Trouble understanding decrease rows!

by Emma Kenworthy
(Glos, UK)

I'm currently doing a pattern for a cardigan and I'm having trouble following the decrease instructions. They go as follows: (I'm doing the first size)

1st Row: Pattern2tog 1(1)(1)(1)(0) time, pattern to last 4 sys, k2tog, K2

2nd row: P

1st and 2nd rows form raglan shaping.

Work another 15 (23)(23)(27)(29), Dec 1 st at neck edge in 3rd (3rd)(3rd)(3rd)(1st) and every following 4th row, and at same time, Dec 1 st at raglan edge as before in next and every following alternate row - 6(5)(6)(5)(5)sts.

Any help is much appreciated!
(for your privacy, I removed your email - Ratcha)

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Mar 10, 2018
Raglan shopping and neck decreasing
by: Ratchadawan

I don't understand what it means by [pattern2tog] on the 1st row. It seems to me that this should be "p2, p2tog" so that it can match up with the "k2tog,k2" for the reglan decreasing. You must have explanation in your pattern that explain how to do this decrease. You will use this [pattern2tog] method of decrease at the beginning of decreases and use "k2tog, k2" at the end of decreases.

Do row 1 and 2 as mentioned in pattern.
Then do raglan and neck decrease as follow;

Row 1: Work 15, This is the center of your neck line. Turn work and start working on this side (left) of the sweater.
Row 2: Work even.
Row 3: Raglan dec at beginning of row (pattern2) and 1 dec at neck edge.
Row 4:work even.
Row 5: Raglan dec only
Row 6: work even
Row 7: Raglan and neck dec.
You'll keep doing Raglan dec every right side row of every other row like this and Do Raglan dec every 4 row like this until you have 6 sts left.
Once you've don the left side of the sweater, you can move to the other side. Just attatch a new yarn and work to opposite of the left side.

I hope my explanation help you. I try hard to explain this.


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