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Triangle shawlette

by Tina

The pattern has 4 sections. The first is setup rows. At end of 5 rows the pattern shows 15 stitches due to increasing. However the body pattern starts on row 1 and calls for 6 stitches only.

How do u keep knitting on circular needles when the stitch count does not match?

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Feb 15, 2021
Triangle shawlette
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Tina,

You use a circular needle because the shawlette will get larger as you knit, but you actually knit it in rows not rounds.

I don't know if I can give you any helpful suggestion here because I don't know the pattern detail.

I'm sure that all the pattern and the stitches will come together nicely but I don't know how.

It would be helpful to have a pattern. Do you have a link to the pattern that I can look at it? I'd love to help you more.


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