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Colorful Triangle Shawl With Lacy Edge - Free Knitting Pattern

This is the first triangle shawl I designed with a knitting technique that is similar to a mitered square but with a little twist. It isn't perfect but pretty and wearable. It turned out a little larger and it has a longer wing-span than I expected.  It would work well when wearing it as a head scarf shawl because of the extra long wings to wrape around neck and shoulders.  

Big and beautiful triangle shawl with lacy edge

       Triagle Shawl showing here looks quite lovely when wrapping around body.

At first, I didn't plan to add any border to it because I afraid it would be too much or to busy.  Then when I was done with the body it looked a little empty.  A little border wouldn't hurt, I thought.  Looking around and I found the perfect lacy edge for it and the rest is history.

I am very disappointed with this Noro yarn because there are so many spots where the yarns were joined.  It is very annoying when you get interrupted by little knots and have to stop and fix it.  With the prize this high (almost $20 per ball), there shouldn't be doing this to the buyers.  I'm not going to buy Noro yarn for a very long time from now on.  I still do love the color though.

I tried to come up with a name for the shawl but couldn't.  Maybe some day something will jump at me.  For now we'll just call it "triangular shawl with lacy edge".

Skill level: Between beginner and intermediate

Measurement: Wings span = 80 inches, Spine = 31 inches, bottom edge length from wing's end to end = 100 inches

Gauge: 3.5 st/inch on 5.5 mm needle over stockinette st


1. 5 balls of Noro Taiyo Yarn or yarn with similar gauge of your choice

2. 36 - 40 inches Circular knitting needle size US # 9 (5.5mm). I used the longest cable on my interchangeable needles set.

3. A stitch marker 

triangle shawl with lacy edge

Here Is The Pattern For The Shawl

If you wish to make a smaller shawl, you can reduce the CO sts by decreasing them in multiple of 6 sts. (eg. 310, 304, 298, ...)

CO 316 sts. Knit one row and at the same time place a marker before the 2 center sts (158th and 159th sts).

Next row (right side): K 2, *yo, k2tog; rep from * to the marker (at this point you should have worked 157 sts), yo, remove marker, k 2, yo, **k2tog, yo; rep from ** to the last 2sts, yo, k2. (318 sts)

Next row: knit.

Begin pattern as follow;

1st Row (right side): K2, SKP, K to 3rd st before the 2 center sts, sl 1, k2tog, psso, yo, k 2, yo, k3tog, k to the last 4 sts, k2tog, k2.

2nd Row: k2, p2tog, p to the last 4 sts, SSPtb (slip,slip, purl through back loops), K2. **you can see how I did ssptb and other sts mentioned on 1st and 2nd rows on the video below.

Repeat these 2 rows until you have 12 sts left. Then do the following decreases;

Next row (right side): K2, [Sl 1, k1,psso] twice, [k2tog] twice, k 2.

Next row: K2, p2tog, SSptb, k2.

BO all sts and at the same time slip the 1st st and k2tog the last 2 sts during BO.


Make Eyelet Lace Edging until it is long enough to fit the bottom end of the shawl. Then sew the edging to the shawl to finish the piece.  

Watch How I Knit Triangle Shawl Row 1 and Row 2 In My Youtube Video

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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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