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The M1 Stitch - Is there any easier way to do this?

by Helen Johnston
(Delhi, NY)

Hi Ratcha! I'm practicing a pattern that tells you to do m1 by picking up the strand between stitches, with your left needle front to back, then knit into the back of that loop. I find it quite difficult to get the right needle into the back because it's very tight. (it would be no problem to knit into the front, lol!) I've tried pushing the strand/loop toward the back so the tiny bit of slack is in back, but it comes back to the front side. Have you done the m1 this way, do you have any tips so it's easier to work? Thank you very much! Helen

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May 10, 2016
picture of piece with M1s
by: Helen

Hi Ratcha, I tried the way you showed, and it worked great. I was going to attach a photo, but there's no button for that on comments, I guess. I can do a new post w/picture. Thanks again!


That's would be great! If you can't get the picture in, you can email me at ratchachambers@to-knit-knitting-stitches.com


May 09, 2016
by: Helen

Hi Ratcha, this is a big help, thank you! I will try the method you explained and showed, it looks excellent. After asking about this, I noticed one thing I did that made it too tight, I was pushing the sts on the rt needle down a bit while I picked up the horizontal strand, so I tried putting them near the tip before knitting thru the back, and it loosened up a bit. But I think with your method, that won't be much of an issue! Thanks again, you're knitting guru!



You're welcome! I just try to help out what I can. There're lots more stuff I need to learn.



May 09, 2016
How To do Make1 (m1)
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Helen,

Yes, I've done a lot of M1 like that. I found it easier to do when I put the right needle from back to front of the horizontal line and then insert left needle in front of the right needle and knit.

I have some video that I made and I even forgot about this one. Just keep watching until about 3 minutes then you'll see this technique that I mentioned above.

Here is the video on how to do m1

I hope you find this answer helpful.

Have a wonderful day!


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