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Stuck on a pattern

by Tia

I am on the front of the jumper and starting on this section of the pattern. I understand I am working first on the 18stitches but I do not understand anything past the second line! I always write down what the pattern is asking me to do but I do not get it

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Mar 30, 2021
Jumper front neck decrease
by: Ratchadawan

You're working on the left side of the jumper.
K2, skp, k18, turn work and start working only on these 18+k1,skp sts (21 sts). I'm not sure what your size is. I'm going to use the smallest size as an example here.

Please take a look at the chart above to see where the decreases take place. This to give you a better idea overall. It looks odd in the chart because the gauge is not set to the pattern. On row 1, you can see that the first block is empty. This is because there is a skp st on this row and that take away one st.

After turn work, dec 1 st at neck edge every row for 9 rows and at the same time continue working decrease at the armhole (raglan edge) on every other row. You should have 8 sts remains once complete this. Ignore work [0,0,1]row because on the smallest size you have 0.

Continue raglan decrease at armhole edge every other row until 3 sts remain. work even 1 row.

Next row: k1,skp
work even 1 row.
next row: k2tog. Fasten off (cut yarn, pass it thought the last st, pull to secure).

With right side facing. Slip the next 15 sts on a spare needle or stitch holder. Join yarn and work the remain sts for the right neck front, do k2tog, k2 on the last 4 sts (your raglan shaping for right side).

On next 9 rows, Work decrease 1 st at neck edge. Continue raglan shaping every other row until 3 sts left. Then continue with direction as you did on the left side.

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