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struggling with pattern instructions - Diana pullover by Adriafil

I am struggling to understand the increase, decrease and bind off instructions for the body after completing the pattern stitch from the grid.

Instructions: Back: Cast on 101-101-121 sts and work 86 rows in Pattern st. Evenly decrease on the last wrong side row sts to obtain 82-90-98 sts. Continue working in Garter st. At both edges increase 4x1 st, every 14 rows. When work measures 46 cm for armholes bind off 1x3, 1x2 and 1x1 st, at both edges every 4 rows.

When work measures 63-64-65 cm for neckline shaping bind off the center 40-44-48 sts and work each half separately. At neck edge continue binding off 3x4 sts, every 2 rows. When work measures 65-66-67 cm bind off shoulder sts.

Front: Work same as back until work measures 53-5455 cm. For neckline bind off the center 22-26-30 sts and work each half separately. At neck edge continue binding off 1x3, 2x2 and 14x1 st, every 2 rows. At the same time, for armholes decrease same as back. Bind off the shoulder sts at the same length as back.

Sleeves: Cast on 61 sts and work chart once; on the last wrong side row evenly decrease sts to obtain 52 sts. Continue working in Stocking st and for sleeve width increase 8-10-12x1 st at both edges, every 13-119 rows. When work measures 48 cm for sleeve cap bind off at both edges 1x3, 1x2, 9x1, 1x2 and 1x3 sts, every 2 rows. Bind off the rem sts.

Any help would be gratefully received.

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Dec 12, 2022
Knitting help
by: Anonymous

Pattern reads bind off 4 sts continue working 46 sts then bind off 8 sts knit 46 sts bind off last 4 sts = 108 sts I end with 2 sts at the end .. do I count the bind offs as one st ?


Response from Ratcha:

Yes, one bind off is one st. you can undo the row and use a marker at different spots for knit and bind off areas. It's easy to leave an extra stitch unbound on a needle. I've done that a few times. There shouldn't be any extra st left on a needle.

Thank you for sharing your question.

Oct 08, 2022
Bind off 2x,1 bind off 1x6
by: Jackie T

Thank you so much for explaining this. I never expected to find an answer, I couldn’t understand. Why didn’t pattern just say Bind off 6 etc


You're welcome! I know, it's confusing.


Mar 15, 2022
by: Anonymous

I’m trying to work out a row it’s shape armholes bind off 1x4. 1x3. 1x2 1x1 is that all one row or different sizes


I don't like the way the pattern is written. This is not at all clear for many knitters who aren't family with armhole decrease.

It means to decrease 4 sts at armhole edge 1 time. Then dec 3 sts at at armhole edge 1 time, then dec 2 sts at armhole edge 1 time and then 1 st at armhole edge 1 time. You'll be working several rows for this. Just make sure all the decreases are at the armhole edge. If you have 2 armholes - left and right, then you would decrease at the beginning of each row. If you are only working with one armhole then you would do decrease at the armhole edges on every other row.

I hope this helps,


Apr 10, 2021
Thanks for the question and the answer!
by: Anonymous

I had been trying to figure this out, was confused just the same. Thank you so much for sharing!

Sep 28, 2020
Thank you!
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for explaining this. I found this pattern and thought it would be perfect for the yarn I had. I was having the same problem trying to figure out the pattern. It all makes sense now.


You're welcome! I'm so glad it helps you.


Dec 26, 2019
Front and sleeves of the sweater
by: Ratchadawan

Front piece:

Front: Work same as back until work measures 53-54-55 cm. For neckline bind off the center 22-26-30 sts and work each half separately. At neck edge continue binding off 1x3, 2x2 and 14x1 st, every 2 rows. At the same time, for armholes decrease same as back. Bind off the shoulder sts at the same length as back.

This is pretty much the same as the back part but you'll work with different numbers of bind off. For the neck edge bind of 3 st once, 2 sts twice and 1 sts every other row 14 times. Make sure to measure the piece often since the armhole decrease will happened in the middle of the neck decrease. So, you will have to work on both ends at once. It can be very confusing.

For the sleeve:

"Sleeves: Cast on 61 sts and work chart once; on the last wrong side row evenly decrease sts to obtain 52 sts. Continue working in Stocking st and for sleeve width increase 8-10-12x1 st at both edges, every 13-119 rows. When work measures 48 cm for sleeve cap bind off at both edges 1x3, 1x2, 9x1, 1x2 and 1x3 sts, every 2 rows. Bind off the rem sts."

cast on 61sts. Work chart once. On the last wrong side row decrease sts to obtain 52sts. ( decrease 9 sts evenly)
Then you just have to find your size and choose what number to increase for the sleeve width. the smallest side will be increased 1 st at both edges every 8 rows, medium: every 10 rows, and large: every 12 rows. Work increase until row 119 then work even until work measures 48 cm. Bind off sleeve cap on both edges as follow;
bind off 3 sts once, 2 sts. once, 1st 9 times, 2 sts once, and 3 sts every 2 rows once. Bind off remaining sts.

There you have it. Happy knitting!


Dec 22, 2019
Pattern instruction
by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome! I'm back for the next part now.

"When work measures 63-64-65 cm for neckline shaping bind off the center 40-44-48 sts and work each half separately. At neck edge continue binding off 3x4 sts, every 2 rows. When work measures 65-66-67 cm bind off shoulder sts."

I'm continue using smallest size for this. When work measures 63 cm , bind off center 40 sts as described below;

It's better to work the bind off row on the right side. (Locate the center part of the front piece and count 20 sts to the left and 20 sts to the right. Place a marker at each end of the 20 sts.).
Work to the first maker, then bind off all 40 sts between the two marker. Work to the end of the row.
Now you have to work on the right side only.
Next row (wrong side): work straight.
Next row (right side): bind off 4 sts. work to end of row.
Next row: work straight to end.
Next row: bind off 4 sts . work to end.
Next row(ws): work straight.
Next row: (rs): bind off 4 sts and work to end.

Work straight until piece measures 65 cm. Then bind off all sts. (don't forget to check your size for the length. They're different).

Then attach the yarn to the other side (left side) and work the opposite of the right.

I'll return for the rest of the pattern tomorrow.


Dec 22, 2019
by: Anonymous

Thank you. So obvious when someone explains it clearly.

Dec 21, 2019
pattern Instruction
by: Ratchadawan

This is going to take me awhile to read and respond to this. I'm going to do the first part for tonight and will come back to look at the rest tomorrow.

First part:

" Instructions: Back: Cast on 101-101-121 sts and work 86 rows in Pattern st. Evenly decrease on the last wrong side row sts to obtain 82-90-98 sts. Continue working in Garter st. At both edges increase 4x1 st, every 14 rows. When work measures 46 cm for armholes bind off 1x3, 1x2 and 1x1 st, at both edges every 4 rows."

What is your size? First pick the numbers that correspond to your size. For example, cast on (101, 101, 121) are for 3 sizes. If you’re the smallest size, you’ll cast on 101 sts, medium size for 101sts or large size for 121 sts. Let say I’m picking smallest size. I’ll cast on 101 sts. And then work 86 rows in pattern sts. (garter st).
On my last wrong side row (should be row 86 if this is the wrong side), I will decrease evenly to get down to 82 sts. I have to decrease 19 sts in order to do that. This will be about every 5 sts decrease. Then I’ll continue working in garter st and increase 1 st at each end every 14 rows 4 times. Work until piece measures 46 cm. Then do armholes bind off as follow as follow; bind off 3 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows, work straight 2 rows, then bind off 2 sts at each end of next rows, work 3 rows straight and then bind off 1 st at each end on the next row.

Will be back tomorrow for the next parts


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