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Struggling with pattern directions on knitting booties

by Pat
(Boardman, Ohio, Mahoning )

After I get done with the ribbing it says instep - change to larger needles. Row 1 ( right side): Work across 15 sts, slip 15 sts just worked onto st holder, K1, increase K7, increase, K1 slip last 15 sets onto st holder: 13 sts.

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Jan 03, 2020
confusing about booties pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Pat,

Thank you for sharing your question with us.
After you slip the 15 sts that you just worked on to a holder, you then k1, increase 1 st on the next st (this will make 2 sts) just before moving on to the k7, increase 1 st on the next stitch again, then k1. You should have 13 sts on your needle. Slip the last 15 sts onto a st holder.

The instruction is very confusing. Thanks to the 13 sts mentioned at the end that helped me figured this out. Here is how I would rewrite the pattern;
slip 15 sts just knitted onto a stitch holder, k1, k1fb (knit into front and back of the next st), k7, k1fb, (13 sts on the needle), slip the next 15 st onto a stitch holder.

Hope this helps. Thanks again for visiting and questioning.


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