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Struggling with a pattern that has a bri stitch (k,yo,k)

by Megan

Brioche Stitch Knitting Sample

Brioche Stitch Knitting Sample

Hi there, I'm trying to do an advanced pattern and I keep getting stuck on this row. The abbreviations for the knitting terms says: (bri: work (k,yo,k) all into next stitch together with its yarnover. On the following row, these stitches will be worked as (yf,sl,yo, k1, yf,sl,yo). ) I have no problem doing the bri stitch until I get to the next row and the pattern doesn't mention how to work those so I tried just following the repeating pattern which was (sl,yrn, brp) (didn't work as I wasn't sure what counted as the yarn over given there were three loops) then tried working it as it said in the abbreviation but it completely disrupted the pattern so I'm not sure what to do now.

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Apr 15, 2019
Video Explaining Brioche St
by: Ratchadawan

Hi again,

I just go a chance to finish this video and I think it might help you see better than just reading my explanation. Thanks!

Apr 15, 2019
struggling with Bri Stitch
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Megan,

The following row you mention (yf,sl,yo, k1, yf,sl,yo) is very confusing to me as well. I've made several attempts to follow the instruction but it didn't come out looking right. But I found the easier way to make the Bri st. Here is how;

After the set up row I did "yf, sl1 purlwise, k2tog" and repeat them to the end of the row and every row. (I used the term k2tog because it's easier to understand than BRK 1. For me, I think it's pretty much the same since you're knitting the 2 sts together. The only different is that one of sts if a yo st.)

When you do the sl1, don't bring the yarn back before doing k2tog. Just knit them with yarn over needle.

Give it a try and see how you like it. Thank you for your question and visiting.


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