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Strange way of decreasing a stitch

by Becky
(Isle of Man)


Please could you translate the following please?
“Knit to last 9 stitches, slip 2 sts separately onto right hand needle, then knit 2 sts tog as if you were working a K2tog (neck edge), k7.”

What I don’t get is if slip 2 stitches onto right hand needle, then K2tog, I only have 5 stitches to knit not 7. I’m thinking it’s got something to do with the slip 2 and then K2tog.


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May 11, 2022
Strange way of decreasing a stitch
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Becky,

This is a slip-slip-knit stitch. it makes right stitch goes on top of the left, so it is a left slanted stitch.

When you knit to your last 9 sts, you then slip 2 stitches onto the right needle, then knit them together, then knit the last 7 sts. Please see a video below;

Thanks for the question. Happy knitting!


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