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SSK problem

by Laura

The last stitch in my circular needle round is an SSK, but I only have one loop to work with before the next round starts. Should I preform with only one loop or pick up the first from the next round. Working on this pattern: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-able-cable-hat?set=&_rfoff=1
I am at the end of round 7 moving into 8.

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Dec 20, 2020
set up row has only 16 sts
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Laura,

How sweet, toddlers are fun but handful for sure!
That's correct, the set up row starts out with 16 sts in each section. You don't need a stitch to make m1p, you can just pick up the yarn in-between and twist and purl. You'll gain one more once you add the m1p just before the p2. That's why you have 17 sts total. in row 1.

I had the same problem looking at this at the beginning.

Have fun making the hat!


Dec 20, 2020
Fixed stitch numbers but still missing something
by: Anonymous

Hi Ratcha,

You were right, I had added some stitches in the ribbing when my toddler pulled it off the needles. I was able to get back to the original 96 (making the slightly larger version, so sets of 6 pattern each row instead of 6) but I have another problem. The set up row calls for me to K14, m1p, and p2, but that’s 17 stitches and the set up row only has 16 available per pattern repeat. Not sure what I should do here, reduce to k13? M1p and then only p1? So confused!

Awaiting your wisdom...Laura

Dec 19, 2020
cable hat problem
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Laura,

Thank you for sharing your question.
I am sorry that I have to tell you to start the hat over again because you're doing it wrong.

You should always end up every round with p3 just before the marker.
You can frog it down to the end of ribbing.
You have 80 sts before the set up row. After the set up row or row 1 onward, you'll have 85 sts. Make sure you increase a stitch (m1p - make one in purl st) in each pattern section. You should have 5 repeat sections to do and in each section you'll have 17 sts.

Once you've done this you should always end up with p3 on each round.

I hope this makes sense.
Have a great weekend!


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