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short rows and the sts numbers

by Mana

Hi, nice to meet you.
I am knitting a sweater, and I am confused the patterns instruction.
short rows working knitting to last 4 sts and turn and YO.
text says, continue working to 4sts before last YO, until 9 times and 4 sts have been 'turned' at both sides and there are 40 sts on each shoulder.
However, 'turned' is 36 sts. Is it include after YO?
or should I continue 10 times?

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Aug 22, 2021
short rows shoulder and neck shaping
by: Ratchadawan


I am getting more confused after reading your instruction. I'm thinking maybe this is not a typical type of top that you're making. Why do you have to increase the neck shaping instead of decreasing it?

I think I need to see more of the pattern. Can you copy and send it to me at; ratchachambers@to-knit-knitting-stitches.com

I just don't want to misinform you.



Aug 21, 2021
Extra comment
by: Mana

Text says,
Work same as the back.
Side increase, armhole, and shoulders are worked same as on back, but neckline is deeper on front.
"Sts are cast off to shape neckline, when 3 x 4 sts have been put on hold on each shoulder ( = after 6rows)"

I am confused at "" comment.
I hope this comment help you understand.
Thank you for always.

Aug 21, 2021
Extra comment
by: Mana

Text says,
Work same as the back.
Side increase, armhole, and shoulders are worked same as on back, but neckline is deeper on front.
"Sts are cast off to shape neckline, when 3 x 4 sts have been put on hold on each shoulder ( = after 6rows)"

I am confused at "" comment.
I hope this comment help you understand.
Thank you for always.

Aug 21, 2021
one more question
by: Anonymous

thank you for your comment!
I will follow your advice.

And I want to ask the one more question.
Front's armhole and shoulder (short rows) are the same as the back.
but I have to 12 sts increase to shape for neckline on the front.
Armhole is the straight on the back.
Shoud I change the armhole shape on the front?
i.e I add 12 sts (3(RS) x 4 sts = 6 rows) in the middle of the armhole, then I start to work neckline shape. Because picking up the armhole sts is the same as the front and back.

Aug 21, 2021
Short rows shoulder shaping
by: Ratchadawan

Hi, nice to meet you too!

I think the "yo" in this case is just to place the yarn over to the back of work after turning, not over the needle as the way we do lace work.

Maybe it's possible that the instruction doesn't include the first set of short rows. I would suggest working another set of short row on each side until there are 40 sts on each shoulder. This way you'll get the same width as the pattern.

The instruction isn't very clear to me either.

Thank you for the question and visit!


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