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Shaping the neck and shoulder of baby cardigan

Next row (RS): Cast off 3 5: 6: 7 sts, K until there are
5 6: 7: 8 sts on right needle and turn, leaving rem sts on a
Work each side of neck separately.
Dec 1 st at beg of next row.
Cast off rem 4 5: 6: 7 sts.
With RS facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts, cast off centre 21 21:
23: 25
sts, K to end.
Complete to match first side, reversing shapings.

I am getting stuck when it says Dec 1 st at beg of next row. Do I dec on the RS or WS? I have literally done this and unpicked it 8 times today ( nearly gave up) I can't seem to match both sides. If possible would you tell me each row exactly

Eternally grateful


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Nov 20, 2020
shape neck and shoulder of a cardigan
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Lou,

Don't give up. yet. You can do it.

So you did the next row which is;

Next row (RS): Cast off 3 [5: 6: 7] sts, K until there are
5 [6: 7: 8] sts on right needle, put remaining sts on left needle on a stitch holder.

From this point you will be working only with sts that are on the right hand needle. Turn work.

Next row (wrong side): Dec 1 st at beg of this row. work to end of row.
Cast off rem 4 [5: 6: 7] sts.

Now we'll move to the remaining sts on the holder. Put sts back on a needle. Just make sure the tip of your needle is pointing toward the center of work.

With RS facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts, cast off centre 21 [21:
23: 25] sts, K to end.
Next row (wrong side):Cast off 3 [5: 6: 7] sts, K to the end of row.
Next row (right side): dec 1 st at the begining of the row and work to end of row. Bind off remaining.

Note: The problem with shoulder and next shaping is that we'll get at least 1 row off on one side due to the binding off of the center part.
To solve this problem, you can start working from the right edge instead of from the center and then you can come back to bind off the center part later.

Thanks for the question. I hope you'll finish this cardigan successfully. Have a wonderful evening!

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