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Shaping armholes

by Jennifer

Hi, I have a question about a pattern I am following for a matinee coat.

I am shaping the armholes and I have followed this pattern:

A.Cast off 3 stiches at beggining of next two rows

B. Work 11 rows dec once at each end of next and every alt row.

Withing these 13 rows I have reduced stiches and got 61 stiches starting off from 79. This seems correct but the next step is really confusing me:

C. Next row: S1, (p2tog) 29 times, p1, k1, 32 stiches.

Isn't this such a drastic reduction? It seems to me the armhole are too small.

I will attach a photo of my work. Thanks for helping!

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Apr 18, 2024
Shape left and right side
by: Jennifer

Thank you so much for your response, very helpful! I just have one more question on the pattern you share (which is the one I am actually following!): the instruction for knitting the left and right side tell me to work the same pattern I followed for the back once. Isn't this strange? Shouldn't I follow the same pattern until both left and right side reach the same length of the back piece?
Thanks, I am getting very confused here!

Apr 17, 2024
Shaping armholes
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jennifer,

It seems like a lot of decreasing but I think this is because the pattern is in a lace pattern and these decreases will help closing up the laces' eyelets.

The picture of the coat I found at; https://heirloomcrafts.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/KNIT-Sirdar-3191-Baby-trio-0-6m46-48cm.pdf shows the top of each sleeve looks little poofy. This shows that it has a lot of decreases at that area. I don't think this is a mistake.

Thanks for asking. Have fun needling!

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