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Shape front neck

by Anne

I am shaping my left front and I done 27 sts.

What does it mean by continue straight until 18 rows fewer have been worked than on back rows fewer on back of shoulder shaping.

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Mar 19, 2022
shape front neck
by: Ratchadawan

It means to work straight until you have 18 rows less than where you started the shoulder shaping for the back.

You can count rows starting from the beginning of shoulder shaping for the back. Begin counting first row there and then move down toward the body. Stop counting at row 18. Mark this row with a sting or use a stitch marker.
This is the length where you want the left front neck to be. You can continue working until the piece is at the marker when you lay it on top of the back piece.

I hope this helps. Thanks for the question.


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